Sunday 9 March 2014

Horticulture :: Vegetables:: Broad Beans

Horticulture :: Vegetables:: Broad Beans
Broad beans (Vicia faba L)
SWS 1 (Suttan White Seeded), BR 1 (Bihar Black Seeded) and BR 2 (Bihar Yellow Seeded).
Broad beans thrives best in hills in almost all soils with suitable pH range is 6.5-7.5. This crop requires cool climate.
Sow the seeds during July – August or  November – December.
Seed rate
The optimum seed rate is 25 kg/ha.
Preparation of field
Plough the land to a fine tilth and level it to form beds.
Sow the seeds in beds at 45 x 15 cm spacing
Irrigation is done on the day of sowing and thereafter once in 5 days.
Application of fertilizers
Apply 25 t/ha of FYM and 50 kg P and 25 kg K/ha as basal dose.  25 kg N and 25 kg of K/ha are applied between 20 - 25 days after sowing and application of another 25 kg of N is done between 40 - 45 days.
After cultivation
Earthing up is done on 45th day after sowing.  As soon as the plants start flowering the top is pinched off which causes the pods to develop early.
400 - 500 kg of Beans/ha in 10 - 12 months can be obtained.

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